Saturday, July 28, 2012

Another Year Older

July is a memorable month for me, beside its my brother's and my birth month its all the month we came to the United States, on July 4th to be exact. Now is there a better time to come to the US than on the 4th of July? Funny story is when my family came here it was 9pm on July 4, 1984 when North West Airline landed at Tampa International Airport. My uncle, aunt and some family friends picked us up from the airport and home to my uncle's house. When we got to the house, my cousins were outside doing fireworks, of course not knowing anything about 4th of July celebration, I thought how cool is that we got fireworks to welcome us in Florida.

Another July has passed, another year older,  and survived a week long birthday celebration without any broken bones, sprained ankles, bruised hands, and no blood spouting out. So I 'd say it's a good birthday :) As celebrated in the past 28 years together with my younger brother since our birthdays are only a day a part, but then celebrate individually with our friends.  Ate lots of home cooked Filipino food and little alcohol ;) I can honestly say that I only celebrated my birthday with alcoholic drinks 3 times in my life, seeing that I don't drink and also happens to be allergic to alcohol.  Those three times I drank way more than I can handle (just imagine 1 is more than enough for me).  Growing up here I never celebrated my birthday during school year since it's in the summer, but my first birthday here in Florida we went to McDonald, which I don't even remember. But one of my most memorable birthdays was when I turned 18-years-old, spent it at the beach, jet skiing, then going back home playing volleyball in the backyard and learning how to shoot BB gun. I never really experienced celebrating my birthday at school since it is during summer vacation, so usually celebrate it with family and family friends, no school friends. Going out with friends to celebrate birthday here, usually my friends either all chip in to pay for my birthday dinner or one of them will pay for it.

In the Philippines, I celebrate my birthday during the school year since school year is from June-March, summer is April and May. On my birthday, I bring foods for my classmate and a party if it's on weekend. When going out with friends for a birthday, the birthday celebrant is the one that picks up the tab. Crazy right? I did not experience this of course but from what I was told this is who it is over, who knows it might have changed by now since Philippines is becoming more Americanized. I do know that friends still brings the celebrant birthday gifts. I don't really remember much on how birthday was celebrated back in the Philippines, all I know is that there are some traditional Filipino birthday food that is always on the table - spaghetti, corn dogs/hot dogs on a stick just to name a few. I would like to eventually go back to the Philippines and celebrate my birthday there, just so I can experience how birthday is celebrated there.

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